Purchase History for Smotem-Totem
![]() Smotem-Totem
Lore Item No Trade Prestige Placeable Slot: RANGE Charges: Unlimited AC: 551 This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls. STR: +96+39 DEX: +95+42 STA: +69+39 CHA: +87+71 WIS: +68+35 INT: +82+25 AGI: +77+42 HP: +15423 MANA: +15173 ENDUR: +15173 SV FIRE: +107 SV DISEASE: +104 SV COLD: +93 SV MAGIC: +100 SV POISON: +96 SV CORRUPTION: +2 Attack: +80 HP Regen +17 Mana Regeneration: +21 Clairvoyance: +158 Spell Damage: +133 Heal Amount: +117 Endurance Regeneration +1 Required level of 125. Effect: Prismatic Ward XXX (Any Slot/Can Equip, Casting Time: 0.5) Effect: Improved Dodge VII (Worn, Casting Time: Instant) Focus: Vile Plaguedoom WT: 1.6 Size: SMALL Class: ALL Race: ALL Slot 1, Type 3 (General: Spell Effect) Slot 2, Type 5 (General: Multiple Stat) Slot 3, Type 8 (General: Raid) Source: everquest.allakhazam.com Refresh Item |
Date | Buyer | Raid | Itempool | Value |
09.02.24 | Zeibis | CoV | default | 5 |
06.17.24 | Rydah | CoV | default | 5 |
05.20.24 | Aeauvan | CoV | default | 5 |
05.20.24 | Daria | CoV | default | 5 |
05.20.24 | Kilrkitty | CoV | default | 5 |
05.14.24 | Blixia | CoV | default | 5 |
04.14.24 | Nimblick | CoV | default | 20 |
02.18.24 | Arouch | CoV | default | 15 |
02.12.24 | Aammun | CoV | default | 5 |
02.12.24 | Lanyon | CoV | default | 5 |
02.04.24 | Xanthusx | CoV | default | 15 |
... 11 entries found |