Purchase History for Donaskz, Martello of Temperance
![]() Donaskz, Martello of Temperance
MAGIC ITEM LORE ITEM NO TRADE PRESTIGE PLACEABLE Slot: PRIMARY Skill: 1H Blunt Atk Delay: 26 DMG: 412 Dmg Bonus: 31 AC: 399 This item is placeable in yards, guild yards, houses and guild halls. STR: +54+27 DEX: +77 STA: +76+35 CHA: +70+36 WIS: +75+75 INT: +40 AGI: +81+27 HP: +11635 MANA: +11842 ENDUR: +11842 SV FIRE: +74 SV DISEASE: +76 SV COLD: +110 SV MAGIC: +99 SV POISON: +101 SV CORRUPTION: +2 Attack: +36 HP Regen +16 Mana Regeneration: +14 Clairvoyance: +134 Spell Damage: +105 Heal Amount: +105 Required level of 120. Effect: Hand of Holy Wrath IX (Combat, Casting Time: Instant) Focus: Sympathetic Hand of Holy Wrath IX WT: 1.9 Size: MEDIUM Class: CLR DRU SHM Race: ALL Slot 1, Type 8 (General: Raid) Slot 2, Type 20 (Ornamentation) Source: everquest.allakhazam.com Refresh Item |
Date | Buyer | Raid | Itempool | Value |
10.30.22 | Erekouse | CoV | default | 1 |
07.24.22 | Sidfreak | CoV | default | 5 |
07.18.22 | Anop | CoV | default | 5 |
07.18.22 | Fedyar | CoV | default | 5 |
05.15.22 | Blueberri | CoV | default | 5 |
... 5 entries found |